Sunday, September 7, 2014


Growing up I didn't have a lot of money. I lived with my parents in trailers until I was four or five, and then in apartments until I moved into my families first house when I was eleven. In elementary school I was made fun of everyday for being overweight and I had a disease that made my hair fall out. But I was always happy. I never cared about the money I didn't have. I was never embarrassed to have friends over in my little apartment. I was never too shy to flaunt my chubby belly in my bikini during the summer. (And I have pictures to prove it). Childhood was a time when there was no worries. The only time I remember ever being stressed is when my mom told me I had to put away my Barbie dolls because it was bed time. I never was self conscious and always felt ready to take on the world.

It's weird how things change. I have everything I could ask for now. I'm so blessed to have the things I have but I still wish I had a bigger house.  I lost the weight and I have all my hair, but I feel self conscious in a bikini.

I want my childhood back.