Friday, December 12, 2014

I remember.

I remember when I started sucking my stomach in in 3rd grade, my friend told me I looked good. I remember watching Spiderman when it came on TV even though it was in Spanish when I was in kindergarten because it was my favorite movie. I remember my dad taking me to school early all the time just so we could stop at McDonald's to get pancakes. I remember watching the birth of my brother and worried because he was ugly. I remember sitting on an ant hill when I was 3 and being so embarrassed because my mom had to take off my panties and there was a little boy watching. I remember the old couple that lived near our trailer who always gave me caramels. Caramels are still my favorite. I remember holding back tears in fourth grade while reading a book in class about a little girl who had a disease that causes bald spots because my teacher didn't know I had it too. I remember when I ate chips and dip like it was part of my religion and the lack of growing up with a real one. I remember my little cousin asking me to marry him. I remember a boy asking me to be his valentine and saying no but keeping eating all the chocolates.  I remember laying in my truck bed and being told my eyes were beautiful. I remember when it was easier to remember instead of easier to worry about the future. 

1 comment:

  1. the part about the disease and you having it too made my heart drop. i really loved this post. and sometimes i say that to people just to be nice but i mean it.
